Saturday, January 18, 2025

It is a first. solo show of plein air paintings


The thirty four oil paintings on display were all painted outdoors. They are called en plein air paintings. This French term was given to the Impressionists of the 1800’s who took their transportable paints and easels out into the open air to paint the changing light and color of the landscape.

Most of my oil paintings were completed in two- or three-hour sessions in the fields, mountains, woods or shore line.  While I try my best to finish the painting in one session, there are times when it’s necessary to finish it in the studio. But in essence, capturing the scenes in one session with quick, intuitive brush strokes is both a thrill and a challenge for me as a plein air painter.

My love of painting outdoors has many personal benefits.  The sights and sounds of being outdoors are truly astonishing, enjoyable experiences.  While standing and painting in one spot for a couple of hours, it’s like being a quiet and noble tree in the forest.  It is that gentle solitary figure standing in front of the easel, focused on interpreting the landscape that gives me the knowledge I am part of all that is seen.  That I belong here in this beautiful world. 

Because of the stillness and concentration needed during a painting session, occasionally a deer or two as well as ermines, Fisher cats, coyotes have crossed my sight line, seagulls have dropped live clams from above onto the rocks near me. I have stood in amazement as Canada Geese fly over my head and I hear the sound of wind whistling through their feathers.  My God, what a privilege to be alive and to experience these sights and sounds of Nature.

Not everything about painting outdoors is so pleasant especially during the summer and winter months. There are the obnoxious bugs such as ticks, mosquitos, gnats. And the weather can be a bit challenging too with sweltering humidity, blazing hot sun, intermitted sprinkles and fog, frosty temps with snow and ice. A few times I failed to notice the incoming tide and have had my boots soaked.

Getting out there in Nature to capture on canvas the color and changing light absolutely makes my day worthwhile.